The Story of Monty the Crane
The beautiful Crane is a strong and majestic bird symbolising honour, loyalty, long life and healing. Many cultures have favoured the Origami Crane for centuries, but it was made most famous by a young resident of Hiroshima, Sadako Sasaki. Sadako is credited with enshrining the Origami Crane as a symbol of the importance of balance and living in harmony with each other.
The strong wings of the Crane are believed to provide protection. There’s a traditional prayer in Japan that is recited by mothers who are concerned for their children:
"O flock of heavenly cranes, cover my child with your wings."
Much like a student’s education, the creation of an Origami Crane results from patience, persistence, and precision. The Montague School logo uses the M from the school’s name to highlight that the pathway students take may have its ups and downs, but with strength, protection and the support of their community, the Montague students will take flight, discover a pathway suited to their skills and live fulfilled and productive lives. The colours used in the Montague Crane represent and embrace diversity.